--> what is Wicket
---> Developer point of View
---> step by step Develpement
--->Example program --
Apache Wicket is a web application framework for the Java programming language that reached version 1.0 in June of 2005. Wicket is a component-based web development framework similar to JavaServer Faces and Tapestry. It became an Apache top level project in June 2007.
According to Wicket's developers, Wicket improves on other component-based web frameworks in several ways:
- Transparent state management
- Wicket pages can be mocked up, previewed, and later revised using standard WYSIWYG HTML design tools (except when using special tags like <wicket:border>..</wicket:border> or <wicket:body/>).
- Dynamic content processing and form handling is all handled in Java code.
- No XML configuration files.
Developer point of View :
" who don't like all control flow in config xml's file this framework will be very useful"
Example program --
Step by step Develpement
---------------> clasess
---------------> lib
--------------> Web.xml